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Who doesn't love a fun bag for the evening? Seriously, how could you avoid a bit of extra eye candy before you walk out of the house? Evening bags are a secret weapon used to elevate a look. Be sure to notice strangers' clothing choices; it is always inspiring to see others style. If you're lacking this special element in your life, we are here to help... it is time to find your perfect match or the spunk that goes with your personality.

If you're lacking an idea of what evening bags are supposed to look like, go to Pinterest and look for evening bags from your favourite decade. Get inspired by something that already connects to you personally. If you watch movies pay attention to their wardrobe. Often costume designers will choose timeless pieces.

However, there are many ways to acquire the rockstar style without going into debt... we love a good thrift. There's something so rewarding about finding just the right thing. Always try browsing local vintage stores in your area, or even when traveling. Try exploring vintage thrift stores where you're visiting, you'd be shocked.

Even though we adore a baguette and a classic flap, it's chic using a range of styles. Try straying away from a repetitive cycle. One of our most cherished decades to look back to is Chanel Runway during the 1990's. If you're ever lost in direction or feel in a rut style wise, Chanel reminds us to play more.

If you think it's too much and you're about to take it off... stop and think. Maybe more is good in this dilemma. A great skill is knowing how to be simple and how to be dramatic at the right time. Or how to add noise with minimal. To know what looks good on you, you must try it. If you ignore trying it, you won't know what silhouettes compliment your body. When learning what - you - like remember to never restrict yourself. Don't set a perimeter on what you're comfortable with. The "sport" of fashion is change.

Carrie Bradshaw once said, "They say nothing last forever. Dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style". Similar to our friendship with our wardrobe; remember to invest in your friendships, they will never go out of style!

When we think 'evening bag' we think about something pouty, the bag has to have a message. What's its purpose for the evening? Are we sweet - are we sour? What are we tonight... the entree, the side character. You have to choose. As we like to say attitude and ambiance are everything. Behave like a lady, and leave the trashy diva at home. Confidently pick the energy you want to portray in you're look. This doesn't mean what you wear to the grocery store, but it can if you like?

Here are our evening bag inspirations:



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